spell; verb
write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence.
spell; noun
a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation.
I decided that for 2022 I’m going to add another quick weekly missive for my paid subscribers that’ll come out every Wednesday. These will be brief, stream-of-consciousness fortunes of encouragement and advice, similar to what I do for my #notevember project.
I hope these will be a mid-week sort of pick-me-up/magic incantation to lighten your day, entertain you, remind you to take a break, or even just give you something to look forward to.
Here’s today’s!
These days between Christmas and the New Year are weird.
Your mind is processing the end of 12 months AND the current anxieties of an ongoing pandemic AND the expectations of a coming year, while your body is processing a bunch of booze-laced holiday treats and too much stimuli.
It’s a lot.
So, look: I know you want to jump into 2022 with those goal-guns a blazin,’ but it really is ok to chill more than you think you need this week.
Take a break from ploddingly and painstakingly plotting your future plans, and get peaceful.
Allow yourself tiny moments of space, and openness, and quiet. I promise you, this seemingly unproductive respite will do incredible things for your future plans.
Take the time to simply BE and your dreams and goals will meet you there, settling like fertile seeds in a well-readied soil.
Annie B.
P.S Want to keep receiving sweet little gems of mid-week fortunes? Why not become a paid subscriber? You’ll get to experience the inner glow of supporting independent art, PLUS these Mid-Week WordSpells annnnnnd access to all the sneak peeks for my new album Stone Heart/Paper Skin coming out (fingers crossed) at the end of 2022!
Love the definitions! Also, I find being present is the greatest gift that I can give to others and myself. Thank you for your thoughtful words!