I’m back! Sending out Midweek Wordspells to my beautiful subscribers!
If you’re not familiar, Midweek Wordspells are basically just stream-of-consciousness fortunes that I typey-type out and send to you every Wednesday in order to (hopefully) encourage, uplift, challenge, entertain, etc...
No long series of editing. No belabored points. Minimal memes.
Just a brief lil’ pick me up for your week, like an electronic fortune cookies sent straight to your inbox.
So here’s today’s!
Holidaisy Chain
Did you know that a “daisy chain” is a series of electrical devices all wired together?
This year, your holiday might be feeling like a faultless daisy chain—all systems go, all conductor’s conducting, all parts of your plan firing at full power.
Or, you might be finding loose wires, ungrounded outlets, connections combusting and energy just altogether absent.
Either way, you’re ok. Take time to remind yourself that no day has to be perfect, and sometimes it’s the snafus that create the most sensational seasonal memories.
Plus, if you feel like you need a different way to make your Christmas bright, there’s always this: