Hi Friends!
How are you!? Me?! I’m great!
Can you tell by the number of exclamation points I’ve used that I’m fine!? I’m totally fine everyone! Do not be worried by the many exclamation points! They should call them explanation points so I don’t feel the need to explain about them ahahahahaha lololololololol
I just decided to send this workweek nightcap ANNIEGRAM as a reminder that it’s ok to fall apart sometimes. Like Gabriel Iglesias says “That’s ok! Tacos fall apart all the time and we still love them!”
Speaking of food, tonight I walked into the kitchen and went “Ew what smells so bad?” and realized it was the TV dinner I was making for myself. And then when I lifted the cardboard sustenance receptacle out to check the ingredients I poured alfredo sauce out the ventilated corner all down the front of my pajamas.
Anyway, happy Friday! I’ve been MIA because I started a new job and I’m putting back together my rebuild-a-house and I’ve been too exhausted to feed myself properly let alone write witticisms about mental health or the patriarchy, so please just read Men Yell at Me this week—she’s funny and smart and makes me chortle and says everything I wanted to say about 1) dingus Bret Favre and 2) people complaining that a mermaid is black.
And if you’re having a “pour alfredo on yourself” week, I salute you!
Cuz, hey, you keep on keepin’ on and you’re still making sure you eat food–and that’s huge.
I made these 1- bowl vegan blueberry muffins and left out the oil and somehow they were still delicious! How? What is this witchcraft? Thar be magic muffins!
I know Drag Race lip-syncs are one of my go-to good things AND I MAKE NO APOLOGIES. This song came on at the grocery store tonight and I was basically doing Denali’s dance in my head.
A New Ariel Inspires Joy for Young Black Girls: ‘She Looks Like Me’