Hello all!
It’s another special Wednesday missive to uplift and encourage your week, and I’m here to remind you to eat a vegetable.
Personally, I’ve been doing this thing that I call “spinach bombs” where I buy a big container of loose-leaf spinach and just cram a handful of it into my mouth before eating things like scones and french fries and ice cream and stuff. It helps me get some vitamins in and it also makes me feel like a health-conscious little gerbil.
So, anyway, eat a vegetable. Even the smallest amounts of nutrients can help you feel like a sassy dancing green or red tomato (ok, I know that’s technically a fruit but you get the idea).
The point is: things don’t have to be fancy or perfect or at 10000% max-capacity-effort-potency to be good for you. Just do one small thing.
You got this!