On top of my refrigerator, I have a fruit bowl filled with pastries.
It’s a beautiful ceramic bowl I got at an estate sale with my friend Kari, and I love it. It’s a clean, crisp white, in pristine condition, and etched with gorgeous flowers. For a while, I kept it on my counter artfully overflowing with ripe peaches and shiny apples and, at one point, a good 5 lbs of gorgeous sunset-pink plums that I got from my neighbor and eventually turned into jam.
“So,” you ask, “when did this beautiful interior-design piece turn into a receptacle for all your odds and ends of leftover Vietnamese taro buns from 85°c Bakery and ocean rolls from Sparrow Coffee and box-mix brownies and random orts of local donuts?”
Well, here’s the thing: I really like baked goods. They make my days better and sometimes I buy two to three donuts at a time EVEN THOUGH I’ll eat like a bite of each a day.
I one day just legit decided that I Get Good Things, so I buy/make baked goods every time I want them, and I put the leftovers in tiny tupperwares and eat them slowly over days and let them pile up on top of my fridge in a cornucopia of carbs.
Anyway, I hope you’re giving yourself a cornucopia of whatever you like. Because life is hard and treats are vital.
That’s it. That’s the ANNIEGRAM.
Oh wait, and here’s an oldie-but-a-goodie to remind you: The Honey Badger Does What It Wants. Life is too long for shame about treats. Days can be too difficult to not give yourself the things you’d like, and eat what you want when you want it, and just, in general, be a bad-ass.
(*Swears present)
Happy Friday,
85°c really is a frickin’ delight, and if you haven’t yet had their sea-salt iced coffee then I truly feel sorry for the trajectory of your life. Hence, here is a homemade recipe for you.
I’m LITERALLY almost a decade behind in music choices, but whateeeevvva here is a song I’m currently loving by Alex Newell (due mostly—no shame—to this killer Drag Race performance that I am obsessed with).
It’s fall so someone please send me this bourbon tea mocktail mix orrrrrrrr try it for yourself and report back about its deliciousness factor, thank you kindly.